Atom Portfolios™

Simplify the investment
process with Atom Portfolios™ (AP)

Our proprietary set of carefully-crafted model investment portfolios.

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Our Investment Philosophy

You've Tried the Rest. Now it's Time to Use the Best.

Join a community of investors who are just as serious about using the financial markets to grow their wealth.






For smarter trading and investment decisions, get ATOM PORTFOLIOS™ from Investmos™.  We continuously keep a watchful eye on the market to help our subscribers catch the perfect wave.



with the S&P 500 Index

Investmos'™ AP: U.S. Enhanced Growth portfolio had a


better return in 2021 (as of Dec 31, 2021)


annual return in 2021 with Investmos™

Our Diverse Lineup of Portfolios

12 High-Quality Model Investment Portfolios


Through a defined and disciplined investment process we have developed our world-class Atom Portfolios (AP)™.

Atom Portfolios™ are diversified model investment portfolios that enable investors to leverage the strategic insights and tactical expertise that only Investmos™ can deliver.

Our primary model portfolio is labeled “AP: Master Global Growth, Protection, & Income™ (AP: Master Global GPI™).”  Its structure is essentially setup as a ‘model of models.’  Secondary models (that make up the primary portfolio model) are individually designed to target specific investment strategies.  You can view each model portfolio in more detail below.

Subscribers can mimic 100% of our model portfolios or select individual holdings to customize their own investment portfolio.  Alternatively, subscribers can simply observe security selections and asset allocation to confirm their own views or stimulate fresh ideas.

Get Started with Our 11 Secondary Model Portfolios

NUCLEUS (Russell 3000 + Cash)

AP: Equity 500 Core ETF™

Seeks to outperform the S&P 500 Index, using only exchange-traded funds, and by implementing an active strategy.

AP: SMid-Cap Core ETF™

Seeks to outperform the Russell 2000 Index using only exchange-traded funds, and by implementing an active strategy.

AP: Cash and Cash Equivalents™

Seeks to generate a higher yield than a bank savings account, while providing a similar level of liquidity and low volatility.
ELECTRON CLOUD (Focused Investment Strategies)

AP: U.S. Enhanced Growth™

Tactically selects individual stocks with the aim of outperforming the overall market.

AP: International Developed Markets Growth™

Seeks exposure to individual countries throughout the developed world.

AP: Emerging & Frontier Markets Growth™

Seeks exposure to less developed, yet fast-growing countries around the globe.

AP: Conservative Income™

Seeks to generate a reasonable level of income relative to the market, and at a lower level of volatility.

AP: Aggressive Income™

Seeks to generate a high level of income compared to what is currently offered in the marketplace.

AP: Alternative Investments™

Seeks to gain indirect exposure to real assets and currency price movements, in addition to cryptoassets.

AP: Long-term Themed Investments™

Holds individual stocks with compelling growth stories over the next five-to-ten years.

AP: Strategically Opportunistic Crypto™

Holds individual cryptoassets with compelling use cases and strong potential for long-term growth.

Wide Selection of Investment Strategies to Choose From

From aggressive and conservative income strategies to ones centered on growth, Investmos™ offers a variety of investment approaches to choose from.

Resilient Portfolio Construction

By employing a two-pronged, multi-layered approach (that we describe further in our Investment Philosophy), we have assembled a set of high-quality portfolios designed to weather even the most extreme scenarios.

High Quality Companies and Investments

We scour the investment universe to find best-of-breed, whether seeking out exchange-traded products or stocks within a given industry.

Designed with Transparency In Mind

Subscribers are kept abreast of all updates during the portfolio selection and allocation process.  Performance relative to a portfolio’s respective benchmark can be reviewed monthly.

Research & Analysis to Support Our Model Portfolios

More than simply pitch the latest overvalued “stock pick,” we engage in tedious research and analysis of securities and economies to identify value for our subscribers.